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Get access to our network of medical experts and get the help you need so you can get the benefits you deserve!


In your Benefits Eligibility Evaluation a trained medical expert will sit down with you to help you determine what benefits you should be filing for and exactly what pieces of medical evidence you’ll need to support your claim. This is an in-depth evaluation to determine what increases are available to you.


The first thing to do to determine if Veterans Benefits Evaluation is the right service for you, is to sit down and discuss your needs and what exactly we can do for you. This is a FREE initial consultation.


Veterans Benefits Evaluations
Our Programs

At VBE, we are committed to providing veterans with the highest
level of service. All VBE services come with live, face-to-face, and
one-on-one appointments.

Easy Disability Claims Process™ Basic ($597) $297

*early adopters price

What you get…

  • FREE Benefits Eligibility Evaluation ™
  • Discounted access to C&P
    exam prep call
  • Discounted access to Decision Review Evaluations ™
  • Lifetime, direct access to our network of trained health care professionals
  • One-on-one and face-to-face  appointments
  • Expert Medical Opinions
  • Nexus letters, DBQs, and Mental Health Exams
  • 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee*
  • Click Here to Get Started with BASIC

Easy Disability Claims Process™ Premium ($1500) $997

*early adopters price

What you get…

  • FREE Benefits Eligibility Evaluation ™
  • *Premium-level customer support with direct access to a team of VA Claims Advisors to answer all your claims-related questions
  • FREE C&P prep call
  • FREE Decision Review Evaluation™
  • Lifetime, direct access to our network of trained health care professionals
  • One-on-one, face-to-face appointments
  • Expert medical opinions
  • Nexus letters, DBQs, and Mental Health Exams
  • 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee*
  • Click Here to Get Started with PREMIUM

Easy Disability Claims Process™ FREE! Program

What you get…

  • Lifetime, direct access to our network of trained health care professionals
  • Click Here to Get Started for FREE

100% Risk-Free Guarantee !!!

*If you are an honorable, or other than honorable, discharged
veteran with a 90% rating or lower, and we are unable to find any
eligible increase for you after getting your Benefits Eligibility
Evaluation ™, then we will provide you a 100% refund.

Frequently Asked Questions

No! File as many claims as you want. Win as many claims as you can, and VBE will never charge for any increase you get. And we do not charge based on any of the back pay you are awarded.

In most cases, yes! Some claims that have previously been denied simply need the correct medical evidence to substantiate them. While other claims simply will never be awarded. But there may be other claims that you qualify for that you’re not even aware of.

The best way to find out what your best claims filing strategy should be is to get a Benefits Eligibility Evaluation ™ done by one of our trained healthcare professionals.

Our claims strategies focus on high-value claims, easy-to-win increases, and secondary claims based on disabilities you already have service-connected.

Yes! There is no time limit and no limit of times; you can apply for disability compensation from the VA even if you’ve been out for years.

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Before You Go!

Sign up for a FREE no-commitment, consultation to discuss your current disability claim, and find out if our medical experts can assist you in getting an additional increase in your disability.